Friday, October 21, 2011

I need to get back into blogging...

I haven't been doing much with photography lately. Life has been super busy!!! But things are starting to slow down and I'm going to start getting back into it. I had a photo-shoot with my new roommate Ariel last weekend. It was really fun! We went to the Rexburg Tabernacle and to the gardens on campus.

I've been having tons of fun playing around town with Ariel and David! The other pictures are from our trip to the nature park to feed the duckies! Hopefully there will be tons more pictures coming soon!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Finishing up...

So, to work on finishing up this year's family portraits I had to get some of my brother and I had to do some self portraits. Here are a couple of my favorites. Now, all that's left is to get some of Eileen and David. Should be a great adventure. I can't believe I'll be heading back to Idaho in about a week. I'm really looking forward to it so that I can continue to work on my photo skills and work with the newspaper. But I'm definitely not looking forward to going back to having homework and classes all the time! Hopefully I'll get some more pictures before I leave! Let me know what you think of these!

Oh, and I'm still working on my portfolio so FREE portraits are still up for grabs!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Well, it has been entirely too long since I have posted on here. When I set up this blog I vowed to myself that I would blog everyday (at the very least, several times a week). But as we can all see, I have failed at this endeavor so far. But, I think I will be better about it when I get back to school. I haven't spent very much time working on photography since I've been at home, but I have gotten a couple of good shots! We live in Athens; which is a pretty small town about 30 minutes from Huntsville, AL and we're only about 10 miles from the Tennessee Border. I love it. Its pretty nice. I have seen many things that I think have the potential to make a good photo, but I haven't gotten a chance to go and take some photos.

This is a little shoot that I did with my cousins over the weekend. It was really fun to get them all dressed up and take them outside to do some photos. All of these were taken outside of our house, and I took some across the street by the tractors. I definitely need some more practice with kids and portraits!

Just across the street from us is a family that owns a farm, and they have tons of tractors and stuff. I went over and took some photos there. I thought they'd be way more awesome, but I need to play with them a little.

If you or someone you know want some photos taken please let me know! I'll be back in Rexburg on September 10th, and I'm looking for people to do some sessions with. I'm trying to build my skills and my portfolio, so it'll be FREE! :)

Friday, July 22, 2011


Well, I am officially done with the Spring 2011 semester! It's been a great semester for me! I was involved with a lot of great organizations on campus. Including the Social Board, and the Scroll. I had many opportunities to meet lots of great people and make new friends. I loved being able to help out with some of the social activities on campus!!! I had so much fun! And I definitely loved being part of the Scroll Photo Staff. I am looking forward to being involved with both of those next semester. I have also applied to be a Campus Rep for the Disney College Program for the Fall Semester! This will be my first fall semester here at BYUI. I am really looking forward to it!!!

I'm heading to Alabama to spend my Summer 'Break' with the family! I can't wait to get home and see them! They just moved to Alabama about a month or so ago, and I've never spent much time there. So, I'm hoping that will make for some amazing photography!!! It's definitely time for some updated family portraits! So, keep watching my blog and portfolio for some new pictures! And next semester I'll be working with the Scroll again, and will be building my skills even more!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Embrace the Unexpected...

Its been a long, tough week. I haven't had much time or energy to post on here. But I have gotten to do a couple of fun assignments. On Tuesday, I got a call telling me that it was my turn to cover Devotional. And, for anyone that may not know, "Devotionals are special worship services and an important setting for studying the doctrines and principles of the restored gospel. Each week, speakers and many other individuals strive to provide a meaningful experience where the Spirit can teach and enlighten us. Because of its special nature, it is important that each of us come to Devotional prepared and ready to learn. In doing so, you will help create an environment in which the Holy Ghost can minister and lift not only you, but also all who are gathered to be taught. (BYU-Idaho)" Devotional is wonderful time each week for the students of BYU-Idaho to gather and be edified and uplifted by the spirit. This week's speaker was Brother Robert L. Wahlquist. He is a faculty member at BYUI, in the Religion Department. His message was wonderful, and I really enjoyed hearing him speak. He was very animated, and a lot of fun to take pictures of.

I also had the opportunity to go to a comedy show on Tuesday evening. The Academy of Comedy, had a 'secret show' in the Spori building. It was really fun to go shoot that. They were absolutely hilarious. Anyone that has the chance should definitely check it out. They are doing a combined show with Comic Frenzy, BYUI's comedy improv group, on July 15-16 in the Snow Drama Theater at 7 PM and it will cost $2 with your I-card.

And, just as a side note, I love this quote on this particular picture. In this photo is a good friend of mine, and we were just goofing around. I told him to start walking away from me on the tracks and then I sat the camera down and pushed the button to take a picture. When I looked at it, I was originally horrified. So, I had him keep walking and got one in which he had a head. But when I started editing the pictures and made it black and white, I fell in love with it. I found this quote from Eudora Welty, and it captures the way that I feel about photography. I love being able to capture a moment, a small piece of time and know that I'll be able to look at it forever! I knew that this was the perfect picture for that quote.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fun, Fun, Fun!

I had so much fun today! I had two photoshoots scheduled. Both were with old roommates of mine. The first was with April and Ryan Cleaver. They were tons of fun to work with, and I got lots of beautiful shots of them. This is one of my favorites of them!
My second shoot was with Janna. She is planning to serve a mission for our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and she asked me to take some portraits for her mission papers! She was fun to work with as well. I was blessed with very photogenic friends, that are willing to work with me and be my guinea pigs.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hump Day!

Today has been a really beautiful day! Someone finally let Rexburg know that its supposed to be summer! I spent the afternoon walking around and exploring Rexburg to take pictures for this week's photo spread. I got some really fun shots, and went to some new parts of town that I'd never seen before. And I think I even got a little bit of a sunburn! Looking forward to a lovely long weekend, and Fourth of July!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Just another Monday...

I'm working on getting my pictures from the Hemming Village Block Party up on my portfolio. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get some posted! Looking forward to getting this week's assignment tomorrow! And I used my free Amazon credits to download a couple of songs from Jonathan Jones! Check him out! He's awesome! There are a couple of free downloads on his site!

I'm going to be adding quite a few new things to my portfolio, so please look at it over the next couple of days!!! I'm really excited about it! And I'm really enjoying making it! I'm also looking forward to continuing to increase my skills and add to my portfolio next semester! I'm really grateful for the opportunity to be part of The Scroll Staff!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hemming Village Block Party

Today was a really fun day for me! I had the opportunity to go shoot the Hemming Village Block Party and Brooke White concert. The block party was hosted by Hemming Village and all of its stores, as well as Sammy's. We had the wonderful opportunity to hear a band out of Provo, UT, The Brocks. The band is composed of Grant and Dane Brock, David Smith, Derek Cheney, and Matthew Woodland. They were AMAZING!!! Look for them on iTunes or check out this video of them on Park City Television!

Next we heard from Jonathan Jones and his band. Their album Community Group is wonderful and is available on iTunes. Here is a video of these guys, their song Hey Andy. They were full of energy and were so much fun to watch. They interacted with the crowd and kept us all entertained.
And last, but certainly not least, we heard from Brooke White and Jack Matranga. They have teamed up to create a duo called Jack and White. They were also a lot of fun to watch. Brooke is very down to earth and friendly. She also interacted with the crown quite a bit. She entertained us by chugging a whole bottle of water, jumping all over the place, and telling us the stories behind many of the songs she played. Here is a video of Jack and White's new song Double Trouble.
Overall today was one of the best Saturday's that I've had in quite some time! This was my favorite assignment for The Scroll so far. It was a wonderful opportunity and I loved every minute of it! Now, it's time for bed! And time for some ice on my sore ankle!! :D

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's Friday!

Yay! I've been looking forward to the weekend since last weekend ended. Today I have an assignment for The Scroll. I'll be going to meet with a writer to take some portraits of the people interviewed for a story, 'Letters v. Emails'. Should be fun!

I just found out yesterday that Brooke White will be performing at the Hemming Village Block Party here in Rexburg on Saturday; And I get to cover it for The Scroll!!! If you don't know who Brooke White is, check her out: Brooke White! She was a top five finalist on American Idol Season 7! She's an Arizona native, and loves music and her family! "My upbringing is entirely the reason that i am the artist I am today,: she says. "My parents are hardcore music fans, and we grew up in a small house, close together all the time. Music was the therapy that made us very happy as a family... I'm not an average music listener. I do this because I really do love it."

Thursday, June 23, 2011


This is a brand new blog that I am dedicating to my photography! I love photography and blogging, so why not combine the two, right? This blog is the start of something new for me! I am currently a student at Brigham Young University- Idaho, majoring in Sociology. I have had an opportunity to be part of I~Comm Student Media ( -Check it out!), and to be a photographer for our school's newspaper, The Scroll. I am learning so much by being part of this organization. It is what has inspired me to take photography seriously, and pursue it as a part of my life. I have just started my online portfolio, please feel free to take a look at it ( Just be aware that it is still a work in progress!!